There are many ways to get injured on a ship, even in clear conditions. When your boat encounters heavy sea conditions, a maritime worker’s job can get far more dangerous. If you get hurt due to heavy sea conditions, you should be entitled to benefits. If you get injured due to negligence, you may have additional options. Our Everett merchant mariner lawyers can tell you more.

What Kinds of Injuries Are Common in Heavy Sea Conditions?

Heavy sea conditions can lead to all kinds of accidents. Some things to look out for include:

  • Slip and fall accidents due to unpredictable vessel movement
  • Injuries caused by vessel collisions
  • Sailors being pushed overboard by waves
  • Falling objects that can crush limbs or cause concussions
  • Engines and other equipment can fail, causing fire or electric shock risk
  • Poor employee training can lead to mistakes and accidents
  • An employer does not give out the proper safety equipment

Can I Receive Benefits If I Get Injured in Heavy Sea Conditions?

You should receive benefits if you get hurt. You can’t sue the high winds or rough seas, but you can apply for “maintenance and cure” benefits that are designed to help you get back on your feet. Maintenance pays for your living expenses, like rent and groceries, while cure benefits help you pay for your medical care. Once it’s determined that your injuries are healed or as close to healed as they are going to get, these benefits run out.

What Happens If I Think the Ship Was Not Seaworthy?

No one can control the weather, so it’s not always someone’s fault when an accident happens at sea. However, if you believe that you only got hurt in heavy sea conditions because of someone else’s negligence, then you may be able to apply for more benefits through the Jones Act.

If the boat was unseaworthy or your employer did not make safety a priority, then you could sue them for damages. These don’t just cover expenses like medical care. These benefits can also help make up for things like pain and suffering, something that maintenance and cure benefits do not address. It’s an employer’s job to keep their workers safe. One who doesn’t give out PPE or orders their workers to sail through dangerous waters should be held accountable for their actions and their negligence.

Do I Need a Maritime Injury Lawyer?

A maritime injury lawyer can help you figure out what kinds of benefits you can be eligible for. If you do decide to sue your employer, an attorney from our firm can help you build a case. Proving negligence on your own can be tough. Let us assist you.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If you were injured in heavy sea conditions, contact Amy C Brown Law, PLLC. We want to hear more about what happened to you and we want to help you seek out the benefits that you deserve. Reach out to our firm today.