Car accidents can cause serious injuries, and if someone else was to blame for an accident and your injuries they should be held liable. A Snohomish County car accident lawyer from our firm can help you do that. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a crash, we want to hear from you and we want to tell you more about how we can help you claim compensation.

What Kinds of Injuries Can Car Accidents Cause?

Some people are lucky enough to walk away from an accident with minor scrapes and bruises, but others end up with life-changing injuries. Even a low-speed crash can cause issues like whiplash, a potentially serious spine and neck condition that can lead to pain, nausea, and other health issues.

Other common injuries from crashes include:

  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Bruised or broken ribs
  • Internal bleeding
  • Organ damage
  • Burns
  • Organ damage
  • Facial trauma and disfigurement
  • Loss of a sense, like sight
  • Spinal cord injuries

It’s important to get to a doctor right away if you have been in a car crash. Sometimes the stress of the situation and the adrenaline pumping through a victim’s system can make it hard to notice an issue right away. A doctor can give you a diagnosis and prevent you from making any injuries worse.

What Can I Do If I Believe Someone Else Caused My Injuries?

When you get hurt in an accident, you can use your own personal injury protection coverage, or PIP, from your auto insurance policy to pay bills. Medical costs can quickly pile up though. You may need to pay for things like x-rays, prescription medications, surgery, and physical therapy. If you have PTSD, anxiety, or other mental health issues stemming from the crash, that can mean even more treatments and expenses.

This is why you should seriously consider suing for compensation if you believe that someone else caused your car accident. A lawyer from our firm can help you make your case and sue for damages that make up for things like medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If someone else caused your accident, they should be held accountable.

Can I Sue For Future Medical Expenses?

In many cases, yes. If you can show that your injuries from a car accident will require continued treatment or that they will lead to additional health problems, the negligent driver should be on the hook for those expenses as well. Testimony from medical professionals and other experts can help with your argument here, and our law firm can help you find some convincing witnesses for your case.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If you think that you have a car accident case to pursue, don’t go it alone. Contact Amy C Brown Law, PLLC to schedule a case consultation with our team. We’re ready to help you fight for the compensation that you deserve.