If you get hurt in an accident and plan to sue for damages, you may get a call from the other driver’s insurer at some point. They might have questions for you. They may even want you to send over medical records and other documents. We don’t recommend talking to the other insurance company at all though. A Snohomish County car accident lawyer can tell you why this isn’t the best idea for you.
Am I Obligated to Talk to the Other Insurance Company?
You are not actually obligated to talk to the other insurance company at all. You do not have to send them anything. It is not your job to tell them your side of the story.
In fact, even talking to the other insurance company can have adverse effects on your case. If you are serious about suing for damages, you should not be talking to adjusters or anyone else from another driver’s policy provider.
Why Shouldn’t I Speak to the Other Insurance Company?
The issue here is that insurers are not in the business of giving out money. Even if you think that your claim is nearly impossible to argue against, they will find a way to do just that. The company is going to do everything that it can to minimize how much it has to pay out.
What does that have to do with you having a simple conversation with one of their employees? The goal here is to get you to say something that they can use against you. If you slip up and admit to being partially at fault or if your story seems inconsistent, that can be a problem. The other insurance company is looking for something, anything that can be used to poke holes in your case against them, even when it’s obvious that their insured driver is guilty.
Another risk is that the insurer might try to talk you into accepting a lowball offer. They can be convincing or pushy, telling you that this offer of theirs is so generous and something that you would never get in court. Don’t take this offer. Talk to a lawyer.
How Can a Lawyer Help Me?
Once you hire a lawyer, they do the talking for you. A personal injury lawyer from our firm can talk to the other insurance company if they have something to ask you. We can negotiate on your behalf and field settlement offers for you. Do not get pressured into talking to an insurer or taking any offers without doing your due diligence and talking to an attorney.
Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney
If you have been injured in an accident and you believe that someone else was to blame, contact Amy C Brown Law, PLLC. We want to help you hold that negligent party accountable and fight for the compensation that you deserve. Schedule your case consultation today.