If you were involved in a car accident and you were injured, you may have legal options. This is true whether you were driving one of the cars or you were just a passenger. If you were just along for the ride when you got hurt, a Snohomish County auto accident lawyer from our firm can tell you more about how you might be able to claim compensation.

When Can a Passenger Sue For Damages?

A passenger can sue for damages if they get hurt and an insurance company does not pay out fair compensation. The first step is to make a claim. You can make a claim against the insurance policies of the driver of your car or of the driver of another vehicle, depending on who was responsible for the crash. If the insurance company does not offer you enough money to make up for your medical expenses and the other costs of the accident, that is when filing a personal injury lawsuit is necessary.

What Kinds of Damages Can a Passenger Win?

A passenger can usually win two types of damages in a case like this. There are:

Economic damages: These reimburse you for the obvious economic losses caused by the accident. They can help you pay your medical bills or make up for lost wages. So keep copies of your bills and your paystubs and be prepared to use them as evidence.

Non-economic damages: These make up for those things that are harder to quantify. If you are having psychological issues, like PTSD or anxiety, after a crash, this part of your compensation can address that.

What If an Insurer Accuses Me of Fraud?

This is one challenge that can pop up when a passenger sues their own driver. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, an insurer might try to accuse you and the driver of trying to commit fraud. This is just another way that insurers try to get out of paying fair compensation, but it can be scary to be accused of committing a crime! That’s why it’s a good idea to have a lawyer. A personal injury lawyer can negotiate with an insurer and defend you from any accusations.

How Long Do I Have to Pursue Legal Action?

In most cases, accident victims have three years to sue after getting hurt. This can seem like a long time, but we recommend acting as quickly as you can if you plan to seek damages. The sooner you act, the sooner you can claim the compensation you deserve.

Schedule Your Consultation

So if you were hurt while riding as a passenger, we want to hear from you. Contact Amy C Brown Law, PLLC and ask to schedule a case consultation. We can tell you if you are owed compensation.